

Construction Suicide Prevention Week

Safety starts with what’s under the hard hat.

The construction industry is known for being physically demanding, with long hours and high levels of stress. These challenges can take a toll on workers’ mental health, and Union Carpenters are no exception.

During Construction Suicide Prevention Week, it’s important for Union members to come together, raise awareness, and ensure that everyone knows help is available when they need it most. Remember to lend an ear, know that resources are available, and always keep an eye out for your brothers and sisters both on and off the jobsite.

As Union Carpenters it’s crucial to look out for and to support one another. During Construction Suicide Prevention Week, we are reminded that you don’t have to face tough times alone. Visit https://wscarpenters.org/mental-health/ to view available resources in your area.

Together, we can break the stigma around mental health and make sure that everyone knows help is always within reach.