Adam Chaparro from Local 801 is a second-generation Carpenter who received his high school diploma and then stepped straight onto the jobsite. It didn’t take too much convincing from his Carpenter father for Adam to know where he was headed in life. He has known about good Carpenter Jobs, Wages, and Benefits as a kid when he first saw his dad strapping on bags and donning a hard hat.
Many of the qualities that Adam has as an adult came from lessons learned as a Carpenter and from Carpenters. Adam says, “As a Union Carpenter, I’ve… learned having high standards, having that professionalism, communication skills…it’s given me discipline in life and I pass that onto my kids.” Like his father before him, Adam is proud of being a Carpenter and knows that his children, just like him, will know from a young age that the Union is always there for them!
Watch the video above to learn more about Adam’s story.
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