

Career Connections Hosts Build Better Futures event in Las Vegas

Graduating Seniors and their parents attended Career Connections’ orientation meeting at Local 1977.

Over 70 Clark County students and their families attended Career Connections first orientation event at Local 1977. The event served as an introduction to the Union and all the benefits afforded through a career as a Union Carpenter. Students and parents had the opportunity to participate in various skill stations for hands-on experience in tool handling, PPE, hammering, drilling, and more.

The increased cost of living has led many individuals to seek better paying jobs to support themselves and their families. As a result, more and more people have turned to skilled trades to earn a livable, middle-class wage. One study noted that while enrollment in public two and four year colleges has decreased, enrollment in construction trades grew by 19% between 2021 to 2022. With the infrastructure bill creating a demand for skilled workers, there’s never been a better time to have a career in construction with good union wages, benefits, and no college debt.

Watch the KSNV segment here.