

Carpenters Deliver Care Packages to Retirees

Remembering our retirees in times of need.

Over the last couple of months, we’ve delivered thousands of Carpenter Care Packages to retired members throughout the Southwest. With rising cases of COVID-19, and no end in sight, we knew that looking out for our retired Brothers and Sisters was important.

Carpenter Care Packages were filled with necessities and nonperishable items meant to save our retirees a trip to the grocery store. The delivery of these packages was a small token of our appreciation for those who have paved the way before us.

The response from the retirees was overwhelming. And a couple of them even wrote “Thank You” letters to the Locals and to the Council. This has been a great reminder of what the meaning of Brotherhood is really all about.

To find out more about COVID-19, FAQs and additional resources, please visit swmscarpsstage.wpengine.com/covid-19.