

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan (virtually) visits Local 1319

Congressman Lujan is the guest speaker at Local 1319 Union meeting.

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico’s 3rd District was the guest speaker at Local 1319’s October meeting.

Congressman Lujan’s grandfather was a Union Carpenter, and his father was an iron worker, and he knows first-hand the importance of Unions and Union families.

“If you want the job done right the first time, do it Union,” says Congressman Lujan.

The Southwest Carpenters have a friend in the Congressman who believes in the strength of Davis-Bacon, the positive effects that prevailing wages has on our families and communities, and the dignity of a Union paycheck.

He fights for a Union way of life and understands the importance of Carpenter Economics. Moreover, he knows that when you build Union you get quality that will last – as represented by the home he lives in which was built by his grandfather.