

Member Spotlight: Jaime Almaguer

Jaime Almaguer is a 16-year Finish Carpenter

Jamie Almaguer is a Union Carpenter from Local 213 with over 16 years of experience as a finish Carpenter. Having worked on projects including the Martin Luther King Medical Center and more notably LAX, he credits his ability to provide a better life for his family to his profession as a Union Carpenter. Through hard work and active participation in his Union, Jaime is now a proud Journeyman Carpenter and Delegate to his Local.

He’s been an active member of the Carpenters Union Participation Program since its inception and has received recognition for having had the most CUPP volunteer hours out of the entire membership. Additionally, his passion for participating in his Union and serving others has become a family affair. Sylvia Almaguer, Jaime’s wife, not only makes it an effort to volunteer at most CUPP events but she is also the president of Women’s Auxiliary 007. He said, “little by little I started to get my wife involved and now I can’t stop her”.

Jaime and Sylvia Almaguer
Jaime and Sylvia Almaguer
Participation Has Its Benefits

As a member who is heavily involved, he strongly encourages all Carpenters to get involved in their Union. Regardless of your interests or the committee you choose, Jaime assures fellow members that their participation matters and helps make a difference in their communities.

“We have great committees that you can join. We all have the same mission by making sure we stay informed and participating in our events – which bring us Union jobs and help us serve our communities.”