Although Local 721 Union Carpenter Oscar Segovia is close to reaching every Carpenter’s goal of “journeying out”, his road to getting to this point was not easy.
Prior to joining the Union, Oscar worked in the non-union sector with periods of slow work with no benefits. After unexpectedly falling ill and experiencing partial face paralysis, Oscar found himself with more than he could handle. A lack of work and medical bills put a strain on his marriage and mental health. He was at the end of his rope.
Oscar’s story took a positive turn when a friend of his recommended that he join the Southwest Carpenters. Not only did Oscar receive better pay as a Union Carpenter, he had health benefits that helped cover the cost of his ongoing medical treatments and get the help he needed.
Oscar plays an active role in his Local Union and is a part of CUPP, Gallos Politicos and the BOSS Committee which educates members on mental health resources. He stands firm on the importance of volunteering and participating in your Union. While many people face unemployment during the current state of the pandemic, Oscar has remained employed and finds himself working toward his goal of purchasing a home in the next year.
“I don’t think I would have the life I do now had I not joined the Union,” Oscar said.