


Pete Rodriguez Named EST.

 Pete Rodriguez has been appointed Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Southwest Mountain States Regional Council of Carpenters.  Pete succeeds Dan Langford who was recently appointed Western District Vice President of the UBC.

Pete was the first Latino President and COO of the Southwest Regional Council. Pete joined the Union in 1996 by a recommendation of his father, a Laborer, and he specialized in Heavy Highway Bridge Carpentry. Pete has risen through the ranks of the SWRCC; from Team Coordinator with Quad C, to Local Delegate, Trustee, President, and now EST.

EST Rodriguez is looking to build on the foundation laid forth by WDVP Langford.  With a continuing focus on Jobs, Wages, and Benefits, EST Rodriguez is looking forward to negotiating a successful Contract 2022 in Southern California, creating Carpenter wealth, and staying united.

“As your EST, you know what my commitment is,” said EST Pete Rodriguez. “It’s a commitment of team. It’s a commitment of organizing. It’s a commitment that everything we do as an organization is in the best interest of our membership.”

EST Rodriguez’s appointment is joined by the appointment of Frank Hawk to President and Sean Hartranft to Vice President.

Congratulations EST Rodriguez, President Hawk, and Vice President Hartranft!

Please watch the message above from EST Rodriguez.