Local 971 recently partnered with Jared Allen’s Home for Wounded Warriors to renovate a home for Army Specialist Daniel Tingle and his family.
Army Specialist Daniel Tingle was stationed in Iraq in 2007 when he was struck by three motor rounds causing severe injuries to his feet and legs. After months in the hospital and in physical therapy, SPC Tingle was able to walk on his rebuilt foot. Unfortunately, this didn’t last and years later, the constant pain became too unbearable to lead a normal life. At the end of 2015 and after 26 surgeries to address the pain and broken hardware, SPC Tingle had his left foot amputated.

Army Specialist Daniel Tingle and his family were recently handed keys to their new, mortgage-free and injury-specific home. tThe home was provided to the Tingle’s by the Jared Allen Home for Wounded Warriors and was remodeled by Southwest Carpenters Local 971 and Pellett Construction. Specialist Tingle and his family had been living in a home not conducive to his needs as a recent amputee, and Jared Allen Home for Wounded Warriors and Southwest Carpenters Local 971 stepped in to make the family’s life a little easier.