Local 909 Movie Night
This weekend Local 909 held its second annual Movie night at Carpenter Park. Union Carpenters and their families enjoyed an evening of food and fun with their brothers and Sisters. Local 909 grilled burgers, tacos, and nachos for over 900 attendees, who enjoyed the Super Mario Movie at sunset on the lawn.
Local 743 ADA Bathroom Update
Union Carpenters Local 743 partnered with Assemblymember Dr. Jasmeet Baines to restore a historic landmark. The American Legion Merle Reed Post 124 was established in 1922 and has been temporarily closed due to much needed repairs. Carpenters answered the call to help replace flooring and update a main restroom to better accommodate veterans with mobility challenges for the lending a hand to the community of Delano.
ATTN: Oregon Carpenters!
Keep an eye out for your ballots! They want to recall House District 8 Oregon Representative Paul Holvey, a 33-year Union Carpenter of Local 541 Union Carpenter. Vote No on the recall on August 22nd!