Local 661 Wins the CUPP Trophy
Local 661 – from the Sierras to the Sea – won the CUPP Trophy for most hours volunteered during the latest quarter of 2021. From hosting vaccine drives and repairing a Women’s Club to attending City Council meetings and phone banking, Local 661 has volunteered their time to make their communities a better place to live and creating Community Wealth for their members.
Union Built Stadiums Host First Games with Fans
SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles and Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas hosted the first games with fans on Saturday. These stadiums were built by Southwest Carpenters and are great examples of the quality work that our membership performs. Entertainment venues are a key category of work that employs thousands of Union Carpenters across the Southwest.
Life Events
The Southwest Carpenters Trust has created Life Events; a special website for addressing the various life events that can occur for all of us, and how these events can affect your financial and investing plans. The website includes advice on getting married, divorced, gaining dependents, loss of coverage and more. Life Events is yet another tool that the Southwest Carpenters Trust has created to help put your benefits into action.