As we close out 2021 this week, we are taking a look back at the Top 3 social posts of the year per platform: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
With more than 1,300 Likes, Local 213 member, Mireya Martha’s, story of determination and strength that inspired her eldest daughter, Genavee Perez to become a Local 213 Union Carpenter was the #1 post. Their story aired on Primero Impacto.
Local 714’s own Lamar Hanger garnered the #1 spot on Facebook with the announcement of his casting on Season 3 of Tough As Nails. The post had a reach of more than 27,000!
A Twitter takeover by a member of the US House of Representatives got the top spot with more than 7,000 impressions. Representative Greg Stanton took over the SWMSRCC Twitter for the day giving our followers an insider’s look at a day in the life of an elected.
We look forward to what 2022 is going to bring.
Happy New Year!