


Here is the SWMSRCC Top Three for the week of July 11

Latest Tip of the Trade with Local 562 Journeyman Donald Rowe
Carpenters, don’t forget to check out our most recent Tip of the Trade with Union Carpenter Journeyman Donald Rowe from Local 562. In his Tip of the Trade, Donald provides some heart-felt, authentic advice that applies to not only the jobsite, but to the real world as well. Thanks again for your insight, Donald!

Click here to watch the video!

Governor of New Mexico visits Local 1319
Governor Lujan Grisham of New Mexico visited Local 1319 and Carpenters got the chance to sit down and talk with her. They talked about a range of topics including investing in infrastructure, protecting the right to organize, and creating good paying Union jobs. Governor Grisham says that our Local 1319 Carpenters are doing incredible work training the next generation of high-skill workers and fighting for a fair deal for all New Mexicans. Thanks again for the visit, Governor Grisham!

Weekend Unveiling of Union-built 6th Street Bridge
Union Carpenters were front and center during this weekend’s highly anticipated 6th Street Bridge grand opening. Over the course of the weekend’s festivities, Carpenters were on-site to celebrate their massive achievement, with some our sisters even being interviewed by the press.

Click here to check out the full footage!

More than 400 Carpenters worked on the 6th Street Bridge during the 6 years of construction including the most women of any Public Works project. The bridge is 3,500 feet long and used 8,250 tons of steel and 15,000 feet of cable to build it.

The 6th Street Bridge, an iconic LA landmark past and present, provides yet another avenue of access into the ever-expanding Downtown Los Angeles Area. HUGE congratulations to all the members who took part in building history!