


Here is the SWRCC Top Three for the week of May 24th.

Nevada AB 227 Passed in the Senate  

AB 227, which keeps temp agencies out of construction, would dramatically reduce construction misclassification fraud and worker abuse in Nevada. Our members sprang into action and got over 1,500 postcards signed and mailed to Senator Pat Spearman in a matter of 4 days. When Carpenters stand up, politicians listen. Last week, AB 227 passed 12-9 in the Senate. Misclassification has likely cost Nevada taxpayers nearly $50 million dollars annually.

Carpenters Frame Home for JAH4WW

Carpenters filled their CUPP this weekend as they helped frame a home for a very deserving veteran. The framing work, that took place on Saturday, is only the beginning. The Southwest Carpenters are looking forward to continuing to work with the Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors and getting the family moved into a home built for them. If you are interested in giving back to our veterans and participating in opportunities like these, please visit swmscarpsstage.wpengine.com/participate-in-cupp/.

Carpenters Help Beautify Montebello Park

There was no shortage of CUPP opportunities this weekend as So Cal Carpenters volunteered to help revamp a local Montebello park. Over 20 Union Carpenters and their families participated in the City Service Saturday for the City of Montebello alongside City Councilmember Scarlet Peralta. Members worked together to clean, paint and beautify Chet Holifield Park for local residents. The well-being of our communities impacts us. Fill your CUPP and click here to find a volunteer opportunity today.