For this week’s SWMSRCC Top 3, we will focus on the Top 3 questions being asked about the Vacation Payout with answers provided by the Southwest Carpenters Trust Fund.
Is it true that I do not have to send in a Vacation Request Form to receive my December payout?
Yes, it is true. Request forms are no longer required However, we must have current address and enrollment information on file.
Banking information for a Direct Deposit is still optional but Direct Deposits will be made 1 week early so there is an advantage to choosing that payment option. Your Voided Check or Deposit Slip can be uploaded to MemberXG through November 1st.
In July I received my Vacation Benefit by Direct Deposit. How will my December benefit be paid?
If you have received your benefit by Direct Deposit in the past and you have not submitted new banking information, your December benefit will be deposited to the same account if the account is still open.
Which work hours are paid out in December?
The December payout covers your work hours from March – August of this year. However, this December payout may also include any previously unpaid hours for periods where the Request Form was required but not submitted and these historical hours will be paid automatically in December