Celebrating Milestones
Whittier Local 721 hosted their Pin Ceremony this week presenting members with pins for 20+ years of service. Members and their families celebrated with a night of food, fun and dancing. Thank you to Local 721 for coordinating such a great event and congratulations to all pin recipients!
Helping those who Served
Members of Washington Local 360, 206, and 196 joined together to repair the roof of a Veteran. Sgt. Jakob Kinsley endured spinal and nerve injuries and when he needed to have his roof replaced Union Carpenter volunteers were quick to respond. Sgt. Kinsley’s brother Joseph Silvestro (LU360) helped coordinate the repair, recruiting members from 206 & 196 alike who wanted to help.
Tradeswomen Build Nations
Carpenters from all corners of the WSRCC met in Washington D.C. for the Tradeswomen Build Nations NABTU Conference this weekend. Over 4,000 women from across all trades joined the parade procession through D.C. including 115 of our sisters chanted, displayed Union banners, and walked shoulder to shoulder in display of Union solidarity.